Fosters Home Hentai

Foster’s Porn Story: Mobile – Chapter 4

Foster’s Porn Story: Mobile – Chapter 4

A/N: I don’t own Foster’s

Fomalhaut: What can I say? Mary-Linn ended up a cruel person. Sad really.

Belitagurl: Don’t worry, I didn’t keep you hanging forever, see :D

“Why did she do this to me?”

Wilt walked down the streets, clutching the bleeding stump of his left arm. It was about midnight. The only lights were a few working street lights. No one was out at this time, no one to help him.

“I need help. I need help NOW!”

Wilt knew he needed to find a hospital or some sort of help. Yet, he didn’t even know which way the nearest hospital was.

“Why didn’t I learn this? Why couldn’t I have learned where at least one hospital was?”

A cold wind blew past Wilt, causing him to shiver a little. His ruby red color was begining to fade into a more pinkish color.

“I need to make it. I gotta make it.”

No matter how much pain Wilt was in right now, he knew in order to keep himself alive, he had to stay awake. He had to try. It was so hard though. Wilt began to feel dizzy. His head hurt.

“I have to make it. I have to make it. I have to make-“

Wilt collapsed on the side of an alleyway. He sighed, he knew he was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. All he could do was close his eyes and wait for all the pain to go away. The only thing he remembered before blacking out was flash of bus headlights getting closer to him.


“Um, M.L., you wouldn’t ever let me end up there, would you?”

“No Wilt, of course I wouldn’t. We’re gonna be best friends forever!”


Wilt awoked from his dreaming, sweating slightly. He looked around.

“Where am I?”

It looked as though he was in a hospital room. The walls were painted white, and there was a window, letting the beautiful light shine through.

“Am I in a hospital? Did some one find me in time, or am I just dreaming?”

Wilt pulled the blanket off him and looked at his arm. His left arm was completely gone, except for a small stub with large black stitches in it and a bandage covering it. He turned to his right hand and saw an IV in it.

“Okay, I’m definitely not dreaming.”

Wilt lay back on his back and sighed. He was slightly happy to be alive, but also still shakened up by what happened. He almost couldn’t believe his arm was actually gone, and that Mary-Linn, his former best friend, had actually done that to him. He sighed agian, turning slightly, when suddenly, out of no where, and small red headed person popped up from behind his bed.


“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Wilt yelled, almost falling out of bed. The person gasped and grabbed his good arm, pulling him up.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” The person said. Wilt gasped and looked at the person. All it, or actually she was, was just a small child of about six. Wilt couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed for freaking out like that over a child.

“Um, I’m fine. Sorry for freaking like that.” Wilt said quietly, trying to hide the blush.

“Well, I shouldn’t have scared you like that.” The girl repled, cocking her head back.

“It’s not your fault, I’m just a little jumpy.”

The girl smiled and giggled.

“So how are you doing?” She asked.

“Fairly well I guess. Um, how long have I been here?”

“Um, I think about a day or something.”

“WHAT?” Wilt cried out, sitting up slightly. “You mean I’ve been here over twenty four hours and I haven’t even woken up?”

The girl shrugged and shook her head.

“I dunno, I’m not good with time. But what I do know is the night before my grandma, who brought you here, said to me there was a really hurt imaginary friend and that he needed help real bad. And then she called up the doctor, and he came, and made you alllll better.”

The child giggled. Despite the circumstances, Wilt gave a small chuckle himself.

“I’m glad you’re okay now.” The girl continued. “What’s your name by the way?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Wilt.” Wilt said as he shook the girl’s hand. “What’s yours?”

“My name’s Fra-“

“MISS FRANCES! MISS FRANCES!” A voice yelled. The girl turned to the door way to see a six foot imaginary rabbit in a butler suit.

“Oh no…” She muttered as the rabbit approached her.

“Miss Frances! What have I told you about bothering the patients?” The rabbit said. The girl stuck out her lower lip.

“Okay, okay, I’m coming! Just let me say good bye to Wilt.”

The rabbit muttered something and left. Wilt looked at the girl.

“Um, who was that?” He asked her.

“That was Mr. Herriman, and he’s a big stupid fat meany!”

Wilt couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

“Does he own the place?”

“No, my grandma does, but he’s my grandma’s imaginary friend, so he does a lot of work about here.”

“Oh, I see.”

The girl smiled then turned away.

“I have to go now Wilt before Fuzz Butt gets mad at me. So I’ll see ya later, kay?”

“Okay, see you later Frances.”

Frankie turned back to face Wilt with an annoyed look on her face.

“Nooooo, call me Frankie, I hate Frances!”

Wilt laughed and nodded.

“Frankie, I like that name. I’ll see ya later Frankie.”

Yeah! Wilt met little Frankie. Next chapter soon

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