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Foster’s Porn Story: Berry Scary 2 Return Of the Pink Imaginary Menace Chapter 18

Foster’s Porn Story: Berry Scary 2 Return Of the Pink Imaginary Menace Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Finding the REAL True Love

”Coco Coco Coco.” (This is crazy.)

Coco has still not swept away her love for Bloo to not ever invade her once more. He’s taken and that was that. But why was her mind remaining wrapped tight, choking and rotting her brain to smitheriens literally?

”Coco, Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco.” (Besides, I can take care of myself without a guy.)

Mac had entered her room unexpantantly making Coco jump slightly.

”Hey, Coco.”

”Coco.” Mac examined Coco’s depressing eyes. It even seemed that they’re were filled with tears in which were about to tip over like a bucket of water.

”Coco, I know what you’re thinking about. I know you’re bumed about Bloo, and I am also. Well, me and him just don’t spend much time like we used to, but I guess that’s how becoming a parent is all about. You know, he did say he had a crush on you last year.”

”Coco?” (Really?)

”Sure. I’m not lying either.”

”Coco Coco Coco?” (Are you sure?)

”More positive than I have ever been in my whole entire lifetime.” This sparked a huge girn on Coco’s mouth for two seconds, but returned to a frown.

”Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco.” (He must not like me at all now.)

”He does. As a friend.”

”Coco Coco Coco Coco-Coco-Coco Coco.” (I’m just a good-for-nothing friend.)

”Coco, you’re not nothing. Maybe if you told Bloo your feelings, then you two might’ve been together.”

”Coco Coco Coco Coco.”(Rio told me that) ”Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco.” (And she said she had a vision that Bloo and Berry broke up.)

”That’s kinda bad for the both of them. Maybe you might have Bloo as a soul mate after all, but you never know what’s gonna happen.”

”So,” popped in Berry. Mac and Coco glanced at one another and back to the magenta brute. None of them knew what would occur following this small word greeting. ”You two talking about how to break me and Bloo up, huh?”

”No, Berry. We just…” Mac tried to discover the right words to form a correct sentence, but was interrupted by Berry.

”We just my behind! Coco, stop trying to get with Bloo even though me and him are both in love. And Mac, I suggest for you to stop breaking me and Bloo up.”

”For one, Berry,” Mac began, ”I thought that you two needed some time with your friends.”

”Awww. Is little Mackie getting neglected?” Berry’s tone of voice sounded like sympathy, but it turned into a nasty one in her next saying. ”Well, he’s mine! And he’ll always be!”

”Coco! Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco!” (No! Bloo liked me even before you!)






”Coco! Coco! Coco!”(Yes! Yes! Yes!)

”Okay. Okay. I can’t understand what he really saw in you. I mean you are a crazy hooligan, and is just good-for-nothing cr…”

”You take that back about my precious Coco, Berry!” a shout came out from nowhere. Berry, Mac, and Coco turned round to find Bloo with his fingerless light blue hands formed in fists, his teeth clenched as he breathed heavily. What Coco couldn’t believe a solitary bit of was Bloo called her ”precious.” Maybe there was hope in Bloo and Coco joining together.

”So, you have been disrespecting Mac and Coco in this relationship?” Bloo asked in disgrace.

”What’s it to you?” Berry screeched. ”You love me more than them, don’t you?”

Bloo gave it some thought to the subject for a moment. ”How could I have been so blind? You were doing it again like last time. I’m sorry, Berry, but if you can’t respect any of my friends in this relationship, then I think it’s over!”

”So, you’re saying you’re breaking up with me?”

Bloo nodded. Berry just slapped him, and sped out the door, into the foyer, and out the front door, forgetting all about on the concept of her daughter that was still missing. The light blue, half pill like friend stared at the door of Coco’s room, sinking in what just happened into his cranium.

”Dang!” he cried. ”She slaps hard.”

Mac came over to his imaginary friend, and placed a hand on Bloo’s shoulder. Mac stated reassuringly, ”See what you get yourself into?”


”Okay, sorry. I thought she was going to be a lot better, but I guess Cranberry may never get to know much of her mother when she’s older.”

”Yeah. That’s a bummer.”

”She’ll be okay. Trust me. I think I’m gonna leave you two alone to do your…”thing.” ” Mac devised air quotes with his pointer and middle fingers on each of his hands, enclosing his other fingers to be invisible. Meanwhile, Bloo and Coco fell into a time period of massive red rose blushes plastered on their cheecks.

”See ya!” Mac quickly skidded an exit from the premesis. Coco and Bloo stared at eachother in a long silence for what seemed to be centuries, but only moments. Coco couldn’t still get over the glad feeling of being ”precious” to Bloo. Maybe he wasn’t such a jerk at times after all. To break the silence, Coco performed the crazy unthinkable-she walked up to the blue blob, leaned over, and planted a miniature smooch on his cheeck. To escape anymore conversation, Coco sped through her door, leaving Bloo alone in her room. Bloo smoothened the location he was kissed at. Berry was never his true love-it was Coco all this time, but was too scared to even show it and think that Coco never felt anything for him.

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