Foster’s Porn Story: Fosters home for aardvarks Chapter 2

Foster’s Porn Story: Fosters home for aardvarks Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Cheese goes to School

It was the next day. Cheese followed Arthur to school. While Cheese was walking he saw some tin foil on the ground and put in his mouth and said “I have braces.” as he also showed Arthur the tin foil.”Ewwww.” said Arthur. They made it to school…yay…–‘…
Anyway, Bloo,Mac,Wilt,Ed,and Coco made it to Arthur’s school. “Maybe we can make some money for food here.” suggested Wilt. “That’s a great idea Wilt!” said Mac as they rushed in. Arthur and Cheese made it to Arthur’s class as the bell rang. “Arthur, Get the hell in your seat or I’ll whip your ass!” said Mr. Ratburn. “ummm, this is a Exchange Student from a diffrent city.” said Arthur. “Quite foo!” said Mr. Ratburn. Arthur sat in his seat. . “Now, what is your name?” asked . “Cheese.” said Cheese. “Tell us some of the things you like.” said . “I LIKE CEREAL!” said Cheese. “Sit down.” said . Now let’s see what the others are up to. “Can we have a job for money?” asked Mac. “Sure.” said Pixiefrog. “Where to we start?” asked Wilt. “Over there.” said Pixiefrog as he pointed at the lunchroom. They walked in. “Hello?” asked Bloo. “Hello.” said a person. “Who are you?” asked Mac. “My name is stickmario645 and I’m here to make your jobs here a liveing hell!” said stickmario645. “AHHHHHHHHH!” the grouped screamed as they ran out as the last bell rung.

Notes:Sorry this chappie was short. You didn’t want to here school stuff. Anyway plz R&R. Also I do not own Pixiefrog from My Gym Partners a monkey. And thanks to all the people who thought this story was funny!

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