Foster’s Porno Story: Of Likes Lost and Mates Past Chapter Nine

Foster’s Porno Story: Of Likes Lost and Mates Past Chapter Nine

Of Loves Lost & Friends Past

Chapter 9: The Fine Line

His eyes slowly slid open and a moan escaped his lips. The only things visible were white ceiling tiles. To his right there was an incessant beeping. It grated on his nerves as he tried to lift himself up. A sudden pain shot through him and he collapsed back down into the bed. What had happened? Where was he?

His mind was ablaze with images and sounds. Screams of terror blurred with images of a man. Who was this man?

Youre awake! came a soft voice.

He turned his head slowly to look at the red head. Her eyes were red and there were deep bags below them. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a dark green hoodie with her hair pulled back into a ponytail that stood on end. Tears began running down her cheeks as she gripped his hand in her own.

I was so worried about you, she told him, you really had us all scared.

He couldnt answer. He had no recollection of what had happened, just flashes of memories he couldnt identify.

Frankie? he asked weakly.

The red head smiled looking into his eyes, expectantly.

What happened to me?

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The wall separating Galyans from the rest of the mall exploded as two figures fell through. Their hands were at each others throats as they crashed to the ground. All around them people fled, screaming and diving for cover. The red haired man laughed as he looked up into the air. He was having a blast as he pulled himself up and realized he was in the sporting goods department. Things just kept getting better and better as he searched for a weapon.

A roar filled the air as something crashed into him sending him to the ground.

Never! a loud voice yelled grabbing the red haired man by the collar, Ill never let you hurt them!

Now, now, Chris, the red haired man said thrusting his knee up into Chris groin. You talk a big game, but you forgot to do the most important thing, he explained pulling a driver from the golf rack behind him, You always, always protect your family jewels!

Chris flew through air crashing down on top of a glass case. His body was on fire as he pulled himself down with a thud. Blaze was too strong, there was no way he could win. But there had to be something he could do.

You know, its really rather pathetic, Blaze said throwing the driver to the side, the way Terrence talked about you, I thought youd give me a real challenge his hands formed fireballs, but then again, lifes just full of disappointments!

The case Chris was hiding behind exploded in flames as the man stood up. He may not be able to win, but he wouldnt die like a coward. Maybe hed pull off a miracle and defeat this guyhe looked at Blaze, noticing that even with all theyd already been through the red haired man was still at full strength.

Right thatll happen, Chris said diving out of the way of another fireball.

Come on! Is this all ya got? Blaze asked in a disdainful tone.

Chris rolled away from a rack of baseball bats as they cracked and exploded. Every which way he turned he was met with flame and explosions until there was nowhere to turn to.

Alright matchstick, he said trying to sound like he was in control, You wanna fight? You got one!

Chris rushed forward barely dodging another fireball as he curled his fist as tight as he could. Blaze stepped back, off guard from the sudden ferocity in his opponent just as Chris leapt through the smoke, smashing his fist into Blazes face. Blaze fell back as Chris landed and continued his assault.

Cant give him a chance to defend! Chris thought kicking with everything had connecting with Blazes ribs.

The red haired man clutched his sides coughing up blood as his attacker charged forward once more. Now things were getting interesting!

Blaze threw himself back lifting his hand to fire another blast as Chris leapt into the air throwing his leg forward.

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You mean you cant remember anything? Frankie asked worriedly.

Chris turned his gaze back to the ceiling tiles, I remember you and everybody else, but I I cant remember how I got like this or the past couple of days

Frankie set her head down on his bed. How could she tell him? The shockwhat if it was too much for him? She had no choice, it would be better coming from her than from some newscaster.

I have to tell you something

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By now the mall was in full panic. People were screaming and trying to reach the doors, packages and gifts were trampled, families separated, and all semblance of Christmas Spirit gone. Mac clung desperately to Frankie as the wave of people flowed past them. They could only pray that Wilt was safe from being trampled as they moved into a corner trying to brace themselves. Terrence had been carried off by the wave of people as the chaos began to reach every one of the occupants within the mall.

Frankie could only hope that Chris was okay.

The red heads hopes were dashed as Chris and Blaze fell out into the mall and into the crowd of people. Both men, covered in bruises and injuries, breathed heavily as they tried to reach each other only to be held back by the crowds.

Get outta my way! Blaze screamed pushing and shoving his way through the people separating him from his opponent.

Chris had managed to make it to a clearing, but as he spun searching for Blaze he secretly prayed that the red haired man had been carried off by the people around him. It was to no avail, however, as Blaze jumped into the clearing with Chris and threw a wild punch hitting him in the stomach. He fell to a knee holding his stomach.

Cheap shot he said looking up at Blaze with hate in his red blazing eyes.

What can I say, I saw the opening and I took it, Blaze explained.

Then I guess you wont mind if I return the favor! Chris yelled reaching down and then swinging up a metal microphone stand.

Blaze crashed down on top of a nearby table. The people had started flowing around him as he began using his powers again.

Cute Blaze said leaping at Chris.

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Frankie watched him as he stood at the window. His head was tightly wrapped in a bandage, as were his hands and chest. Outside the window, snow had started to fall again. This would be a Christmas for the ages, she thought wheeling up next to him and taking his hand. It was like grabbing ice, but she held tight anyway. What was going through his mind at that very moment? She had told him about Blaze, about the fight, about the fall yet, he couldnt remember any of it. Frankie wondered if it would have been for the better that he had no recollection of it. Maybe she should have just stayed quiet.

What does that make me? he asked suddenly, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Frankie stared out through the window with him, Youre no different now than you were before. Youre still my imaginary friend and I still love you.

Chris looked at her revealing the confusion and doubt he was torturing himself with. If what Frankie had said was true then he was very different from before. He had done something so horrible he wasnt sure he could ever forgive himself

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The two men barreled through the door to the garage. They were finally free from the tide of the others. The garage was a five story complex nestled between the mall and a wide open field. At this time, every space was filled with every conceivable car.

Ive had enough! Blaze yelled staring Chris in the eye.

The brown haired man huffed as he eyed his opponent. His body was exhausted, bruised, battered. It was taking everything he had just to stay standing. If he didnt end this fight now he wasnt going to survive.

The men gritted their teeth and yelled as they charged head long. They collided amid a flurry of kicks, punches, and obscenities. Chris threw each punch and kick with every ounce of fire his body could muster while Blaze did just the same. When Blaze wasnt using his powers, they were perfectly matched. Suddenly, with a final flash of anger Chris threw every last bit of energy he had into an uppercut, connecting with Blazes chest and filling the open garage with the echoes of a wet snap.

Blazes eyes went wide and welled up with tears as he fell to the ground screaming, MY RIBS!

Chris watched him while he limped over to a fire emergency station and ripped open the door revealing a red axe, Its time to finish this he slurred pulling the axe out.

The doors leading to the mall burst open as Frankie and Mac exited. They had finally managed to catch up with the men only to find Chris about to bring an axe down on his opponent. Through gritted teeth, the man roared and swung the axe only stop just above Blazes neck.

What am I doing? he asked suddenly horrified at his own actions.

Blaze saw his only chance and took it sending a burst of flames from his hands. Chris was caught completely unaware as his clothes went up. He yelled and rolled on the ground trying desperately to put them out while Blaze laughed.

You should have killed me when you had the chance! the red haired man exclaimed climbing to his feet. Now youre gonna see what happens when you get me mad! he said turning his attention to Mac and Frankie.

The pair backed away as Blaze approached. If Chris couldnt stop him, what chance did an eight year old and a woman stuck in a wheelchair have? Blaze brought his hand up wincing in pain and flames started to swirl around them.

NO! came a scream as Blaze felt something hard collide with him.

Chris punched and kicked sending Blaze back in a daze.

I warned you

Another punch to the gut causing Blaze to bend over.

Ill never

Chris grabbed Blazes head smashing his face into his knee.

let you

Blaze stumbled backwards, catching himself on the edge of the garage. They were five stories up.

hurt them!

Chris ran and jumped tackling Blaze and sending both men over the side. As they fell Chris continued to pummel his opponent until there was a sudden darkness.

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So thats really it, Chris said, I killed him.

Frankie didnt want to admit it, but yes, he had killed Blaze. The fall had broken Blazes neck. Chris had been lucky, hed landed on pile of snow.

What have I done? he asked turning away from her. Im no better than Blaze.

Frankie couldnt believe it. How could he think that? There was no other choice, if Chris hadnt done it, Blaze would have kept coming until they were all dead.

Chris she said trying to find her voice, you did you did the right thing

He spun to face her, his face once again filled with rage, How can you say that? I killed him!

Frankie looked right back at him, You didnt have a choice, you did what needed to be done to protect yourself and the people you love, the same way you were trained to do!

Chris head drooped. He had done everything hed been trained to do. And he shuddered to think of what might have happened if he hadnt been able to stop Blaze. But his choice would weigh heavily on his soul for some time. He had never thought hed be forced to take someones life.

Frankie? he asked, Im sorry.

The red head watched him solemnly as he turned back to the window and rested his hand on the frosty glass.

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Several days had passed and Chris was released from the hospital. Frankie was no longer in her wheelchair at this time. Shed been walking for almost a full day now and smiled as she walked up to him. The man was dressed in a pair of dirty jeans with the right knee torn out and a black t-shirt over a grey long sleeve shirt. His face was covered in three days worth of stubble and his eyes were red, but he managed a smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

Hi hon, she whispered into his ear.

Chris pulled back to look her in the eye, Hi yourself, and with that he pressed his lips up against hers.

They stood in the breezeway of the hospital, lips locked and arms wrapped around each other for what seemed like an eternity. Finally they separated and stepped back from each other. The exhaustion and aches in Chris body seemed to disappear as he looked her up and down.

Good to see you on your own two feet, he said with a smirk.

Its good to stand after all that time, she replied leading him out into the parking lot.

There it sat, the tie-dye bus Frankie had had since high school. The door slid open as the pair approached and out stepped Mac and Bloo followed by Wilt and Madame Foster. The eight year old was wrapped up in his red jacket and blue beanie while Bloo was dressed only in a red scarf and beanie. Wilt had on his own scarf and beanie as did Madame Foster, who oddly refused to wear a jacket.

Chris, are you okay? Mac asked sounding very concerned.

Im fine, Mac, just a little roughed up thats all, he responded placing his hand on the boys head in a brotherly fashion.

Ah I bet youre just faking it to get some attention, Bloo said in a snobby tone.

The blue blob was met with a face full of snow. Wilt extended a hand to Chris revealing his own injuries. He had been caught in the waves of people at the mall, stepped on, trampled, and then finally slammed through the doors. However, through all that, he had been more worried about Mac and the others that he didnt even let the doctors take a look at him until he knew Chris was stabilized.

The lanky red friend had a plaster cast on his right wrist and some gauze on his cheeks, but other than that he looked fine. He and the brown haired man shook hands and then stepped into the bus. Madame Foster led Chris to the seat at the back of the bus and then sat down beside him.

Whats up, Madame Foster? he asked as Frankie started the bus and the others took their seats.

The little old lady looked up at him through her thick frames and rested her hand on the back of his, I just want to make sure that youre okay, son.

Chris swallowed hard. Physically he was fine, but mentally? That was a different story. Chris had made a solemn vow to never take a life no matter what the case and now he had broken it. The demon that lay deep within him, his anger, had resurfaced and because it had, someone had died. Would he ever be okay? He didnt know.

I think Im okay, just a little ragged, he answered trying to sound sincere.

The old woman didnt believe him. She had watched him very carefully ever since Frankie imagined him back in 1986, so she could tell when he was lying. This was one of those times.

Listen deary, whatever is bothering you, whether its the fact that this Blaze person wore your face or that hes dead now, you will never have to face them alone, she paused to look ahead, were your family and that means never having to be alone.

Chris looked down at the floor of the bus letting all this sink in. What was it that was really bothering him? The fact that he had killed Blaze or the fact that Blaze was everything that Chris had strived not to be?

When youre ready to talk about it, my door is always open, she told him, sliding off the seat and moving to a seat in the front.

The man looked up to see his friends all looking back at him with concern. He smirked and then stood and walked up to the seat behind Frankie. He couldnt explain it, but he felt better and better when he was surrounded by his family. Maybe things werent as bad as he thought they were.

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“Im everything youre too scared to be! Im you without limits, without fears, without doubt! Youll see, one day youll let loose and Ill be back! Just you wait, ha ha ha!

Chris tossed and turned in his bed, sweating profusely. The nightmare got more intense with every passing second until finally he shot up screaming. He blinked his eyes a dozen times to make sure he was awake. His breathing was heavy and he was covered in sweat as he threw the covers back and rose to his feet. He huffed and looked down into his hands. They were covered in blood.

Frankie ran as fast and hard as she could. The scream was so distinct in her mind. He needed her. She threw her body against the door, barreling through it to find Chris standing at the window. He didnt turn to face her.

Chris? she asked resting her arm around his shoulder. He kept looking down at his hands, but she couldnt see anything wrong with them, Chris, what is it?

I killed him he said in a low voice.

Frankie pulled him into a hug and softly whispered into his ear, Yes you did, but if you hadnt he would have killed all of us. You did everything you could, but in the end it was either him or us and I know you would never have forgiven yourself if it had been us. You cant keep kicking yourself over this.

With that she led him to his bed and laid him down. She closed the door to his room and then laid down in bed with him. They laid in each others arms as Frankie continued to comfort him, whispering into his ear and softly rubbing his back. Finally he fell asleep in her arms.

Good night you big lug, she whispered resting her head on his and slipping into her own dreams.

To be continued

Well, its done. Blaze is dead, Terrence is on the run, and Chris mind has been fractured. Can Frankie and the others hold him together or will he become what he has always feared? What does this mean for their Christmas? Can the innocence of a little boy save the holiday? This is it, this is the big week and everything will be done by Christmas Eve. Until then.

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